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Automating Manufacturing Business Processes with the Unified Namespace

by Kudzai Manditereza
12 min read

Welcome to Part 5 of the blog series, An Advanced Guide to Building UNS for IIoT: Beyond the Basics. Many businesses mistakenly view the Unified Namespace (UNS) as merely a tool for making data more accessible. While data accessibility is indeed a crucial function of UNS, its true potential extends far beyond that. UNS serves as the heart of an autonomous manufacturing industry, driving efficiency, innovation, and resilience through seamless data integration and intelligent automation.

UNS doesn’t just unify data; it establishes a live, shared data environment where machines, systems, and even artificial intelligence (AI) can communicate and collaborate in real-time. This interconnected ecosystem forms the backbone of autonomous manufacturing, enabling processes to be more efficient, responsive, and adaptable to changing conditions.

Practical Applications of UNS in Manufacturing

To fully appreciate how UNS facilitates autonomous manufacturing, it is essential to explore its practical applications across various aspects of a typical manufacturing environment. UNS drives full automation by enhancing business planning, manufacturing operations, control operations, and integrating AI-driven predictions.

UNS drives full automation by enhancing business planning, manufacturing operations, control operations, and integrating AI-driven predictions.

Autonomous Business Planning and Logistics

One of the standout features of UNS is its ability to transform business planning and logistics through automation. 

Automated Triggering of Updates

When a customer order is created in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, UNS automatically updates production schedules and inventory needs. This real-time synchronization ensures that manufacturing processes are always aligned with current demand, minimizing the risk of overproduction or stockouts.

Maintenance and Quality Operations Scheduling

UNS goes beyond production scheduling by automating maintenance and quality operations. Predictive maintenance schedules are seamlessly integrated into the production plan, ensuring machinery is serviced at optimal times without disrupting the workflow. Similarly, quality control processes are dynamically scheduled based on real-time data, maintaining high product standards without unnecessary delays.

Real-Time Operations Performance Data

As production activities progress on the factory floor, UNS continuously monitors and flows back operations performance data from Level 3 (operations) to Level 4 (business planning). This real-time feedback loop provides planners with immediate insights into progress, delays, and inefficiencies, allowing for swift adjustments to business operations and enhancing overall responsiveness.

Autonomous Manufacturing Operations Management

Efficient management of manufacturing operations is critical for maintaining productivity and quality. UNS automates and optimizes these operations, ensuring every aspect of production is finely tuned and responsive to real-time conditions.

Automated Work Activity Definitions and Requests

Traditionally, defining work activities and issuing specific work requests involve manual processes prone to delays and errors. UNS automates the flow of work activity definitions and requests within Level 3, ensuring the shop floor executes the right tasks at the right time. This reduces administrative burdens and minimizes the risk of miscommunication or scheduling conflicts.

Continuous Updates and Schedule Adjustments

Manufacturing environments are dynamic, with unforeseen changes or disruptions frequently occurring. UNS addresses this by enabling continuous updates to the work schedule based on real-time data. Whether it’s a sudden demand spike, supply chain interruption, or unexpected equipment failure, UNS dynamically adjusts the work schedule to maintain seamless coordination between business planning and operations.

Real-Time Productivity Tracking

Once work is completed, UNS automates the flow of performance data from Level 3 to Level 4. This real-time tracking provides business planners with an accurate and immediate view of manufacturing performance. With access to up-to-date productivity data, planners can identify trends, address bottlenecks, and implement improvements swiftly, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Autonomous Control Operations

Control operations encompass everything from machine performance to quality control. UNS enhances these operations by providing real-time data and automated control mechanisms that ensure optimal performance and quality.

Real-Time Equipment Capability and Performance Data

UNS ensures that real-time data on equipment capability and performance flows seamlessly from Level 2 (equipment level) to Level 3 (operations management). This continuous information stream provides manufacturing operations management with up-to-date insights into machine availability, performance metrics, and quality indicators, enabling informed decision-making regarding resource allocation and maintenance needs.

Dynamic Adjustment of Equipment Settings and Production Parameters

Beyond monitoring performance, UNS allows instructions from Level 3 to be sent back to Level 2, facilitating dynamic adjustments to equipment settings and production parameters. For example, if a machine is underperforming or there is a need to adjust production speed to meet changing demand, UNS can automatically modify settings to optimize performance. This level of control ensures manufacturing processes remain flexible and responsive without manual intervention.

Automated Maintenance Tasks

Preventive maintenance is crucial for avoiding unexpected equipment failures that can disrupt production. UNS automates the initiation of maintenance tasks based on real-time conditions on the shop floor. 

Autonomous Integration of AI-Driven Predictions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming manufacturing by enabling predictive analytics, prescriptive operations, and automated corrective actions. UNS plays a pivotal role in integrating AI-driven predictions into the manufacturing ecosystem, enhancing the utility and effectiveness of predictive data.

Enhancing Predictive Data Utility

UNS enhances the utility of predictive data by making it actionable across different organizational areas. Predictive analytics uses historical and real-time data to forecast future trends, such as demand fluctuations, equipment failures, or quality issues. UNS ensures that these predictions are seamlessly integrated into business planning, operations management, and control systems, enabling proactive responses to anticipated changes.

Transformation into Prescriptive Analytics and Operations

Beyond prediction, UNS facilitates the transformation of predictive analytics into prescriptive analytics and operations. Prescriptive analytics recommends specific actions to address predicted outcomes. For instance, if predictive analytics indicate a potential production delay due to a supplier issue, prescriptive analytics might suggest alternative suppliers or schedule adjustments. UNS ensures these recommendations are automatically implemented, turning insights into tangible actions that enhance operational efficiency and resilience.

Automated Corrective Actions

Integrating AI-driven predictions with UNS enables the automation of corrective actions. If a potential machine failure is detected through AI analytics, the sharing of the prediction through UNS enables participants with actuation capabilities to automatically adjust production schedules, reallocate resources, and notify maintenance teams to address the issue before it leads to downtime. Similarly, if energy consumption patterns indicate inefficiencies, adjustments to reduce consumption during non-peak hours can be effected through the UNS, resulting in cost savings and improved sustainability.

Proactive Maintenance and Quality Assurance

AI integration through UNS also enhances maintenance and quality assurance processes. Predictive maintenance models forecast when specific components are likely to fail, allowing maintenance to be scheduled proactively. Additionally, AI-powered quality assurance systems can detect defects in real-time, enabling timely adjustment of production parameters or halting of production to address quality issues immediately. 


In an increasingly competitive market, the ability to innovate and adapt quickly is essential for success. UNS empowers businesses to harness the full potential of their data, which allows them to respond swiftly and effectively to any sudden changes. By automating routine tasks, optimizing processes, and providing real-time insights, UNS allows businesses to focus on strategic initiatives and creative problem-solving, driving sustained competitive advantage. When considering UNS, directing your manufacturing operations toward greater autonomy, efficiency, and innovation should always be your guiding principle.

For guidance on building a Unified Namespace architecture, contact us.

Kudzai Manditereza

Kudzai is a tech influencer and electronic engineer based in Germany. As a Sr. Industry Solutions Advocate at HiveMQ, he helps developers and architects adopt MQTT and HiveMQ for their IIoT projects. Kudzai runs a popular YouTube channel focused on IIoT and Smart Manufacturing technologies and he has been recognized as one of the Top 100 global influencers talking about Industry 4.0 online.

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