HiveMQ Enterprise sets the industry standard because it is built for flexibility, security, scale, and reliability under real-world stress. We offer self-managed or fully-managed solutions to meet enterprise needs.
HiveMQ MQTT Broker can be deployed on a private, hybrid and public cloud. Pre-built images can be deployed on private clouds using Kubernetes, OpenShift and DC/OS.
With flexible pricing options, you can forget about metering and paying as you go. Scale up and down as needed with complete control.
Take advantage of all advanced MQTT features at scale. HiveMQ is 100% compliant with the MQTT 3.1, MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5 specifications.
Ensure IoT data and applications meet the highest security standards with end to end TLS encryption, choice of device authentication methods, and more.
An open API and a flexible extension framework makes it possible to integrate HiveMQ and your IoT data into existing enterprise systems.
Receive the support you need throughout your IoT project lifecycle. From architectural design, and implementation support up to dedicated 24/7 access.
HiveMQ offers a variety of suites priced based on business value and easily scaled to meet customer needs.
Designed for general IoT or connected device use cases across a variety of industries
Number of Devices
Complexity of Devices
HiveMQ Edge Needs (Optional)
Flexible Deployment Options
We run it for you (HiveMQ Cloud)
You run it anywhere (Self-managed)
Designed for Industrial IoT use cases with diverse requirements across the industrial sector
Number of Sites
Complexity of Each Site
Centralized Connectivity Requirements
Flexible Deployment Options
We run it for you (HiveMQ Cloud)
You run it anywhere (Self-managed)
Designed for modern connected vehicle use cases including car, truck, tractor, plane, or bus
Number of Vehicles
Connections per Vehicle
Flexible Deployment Options
We run it for you (HiveMQ Cloud)
You run it anywhere (Self-managed)
We found HiveMQ to be true partners with us, their expertise and the willingness of engineers to give us advice was the thing that we loved the most. Once we saw what HiveMQ delivered, selecting them as our MQTT partner was an easy choice. It is very good to have the right people to help us grow our business.
Paul Walling
/Chief Engineer, Paxton
The HiveMQ MQTT Platform sets the enterprise standard because it is built for flexibility, security, scale, and reliability under real-world stress. We offer fully-managed (HiveMQ Cloud) as well as self-managed suites to meet enterprise needs.