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Announcing HiveMQ Pulse, the Distributed Data Intelligence Platform. Join the Private Preview

diva-e & HiveMQ IoT Workshop

by HiveMQ Team
4 min read

The value of implementing IoT (Internet of Things) technology has been demonstrated many times by proof of concepts that show increase efficiency of machinery through predictive maintenance or increased revenue from new products and services. However, the challenge becomes when a company plans to move an IoT PoC (Proof of Concept) to production often requires new processes, equipment and IT infrastructure that introduces a high deal of complexity to the IoT project. But this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case:

Getting from IoT Proof of Concept (PoC) to Production - Scaling without creating the complexity

Together with our consulting partner diva-e, Germany’s leading Transactional Experience Partner (TXP), we will host a dynamic IoT workshop that will demonstrate how IoT projects are successfully implemented in practice.

Workshop Topic: Getting from IoT PoC to Production - Scaling without creating the complexity

When? Coming Soon

Where? diva-e Office, Tassiloplatz 27, 81541 Munich

Language? German

What? This workshop will feature experts on implementing IoT applications into production. The sessions will focus on the steps and best practices required by OT and IT teams to build, deploy and manage scalable, reliable and secure industrial IoT applications. Speakers from leading organizations that have deployed production IoT applications will share their experiences of moving IoT PoC into production.

Who? The workshop is ideally suited for business professionals leading IoT projects and senior technical architects researching IoT technology. Attendees will gain insight into the business processes and technical architectures that have proven to deliver scale IoT applications without creating unneeded complexity.

Temporary Workshop Agenda

Time Topic Speaker
09:30 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 10:10 Welcome NoteChristian Götz, CEO & Co-Founder, HiveMQ und Torsten Green, Founder & CTO, diva-e Platforms
10:10 - 11:00 Is the Future of IoT on the Edge?Prof. Dr. Olga Willner – Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
11:00 - 11:45 Building & Leveraging and IoT EcosystemRicardo Dunkel, Principal Platform Architect, diva-e
11:45 - 12:30 Challenges of Moving IoT into ProductionChristian Götz, CEO & CO-Founder, HiveMQ
12:30 - 01:30 Lunch Break
01:30 - 02:00 On the Road to Predictive Maintenance and AI with MULTIVAC Smart ServicesDr. Marius Grathwohl, Vice President Digital Products and Transformation, Multivac
02:00 - 02:30 Hands on: A Methodology for Moving from PoC to ProductionSven Kobow, Senior Platform Architect, diva-e
02:30 - 03:00 MQTT as a lightweight messaging service at Munich AirportMario Zeindlmeier, ITPC - Central & Commercial Solution, Servicebereich IT, Flughafen München GmbH
03:00 - 03:30 MQTT as a Key Technology for Industry 4.0 und IoTDominik Obermaier, CTO & Co-Founder, HiveMQ
03:30 - Open End Networking

Agenda subject to changes

Register now and we will keep you up to date! The available number of seats at the workshop is limited. Make sure to register today to save your spot! To register without obligation, please fill out the contact form. After entering your data you will receive a confirmation. We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!

HiveMQ Team

The HiveMQ team loves writing about MQTT, Sparkplug, Industrial IoT, protocols, how to deploy our platform, and more. We focus on industries ranging from energy, to transportation and logistics, to automotive manufacturing. Our experts are here to help, contact us with any questions.

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