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Powering Industrial AI Use Cases with the Unified Namespace

by Kudzai Manditereza
13 min read

Data is often referred to as the new oil, an analogy that highlights its immense value and potential in today's economy. However, just as crude oil must be refined before it can power vehicles and industries, raw data requires processing and structuring before it can effectively fuel decision-making processes—especially through Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in manufacturing.

The Unified Namespace (UNS) acts as a data architecture that continuously transforms raw, siloed data into usable information and distributes it to stakeholders across various levels of an organization's hierarchy. This approach is particularly crucial for enabling data scientists to develop and implement AI use cases effectively. By providing standardized, contextualized, normalized and easily accessible data, the UNS becomes the backbone of data-driven operations and AI-powered innovations in manufacturing.

Challenges with Traditional Data Engineering for AI Use Cases

Traditional approaches to implementing AI solutions often require dedicated data engineering efforts for each specific use case. Engineers spend countless hours cleaning, standardizing, and preparing data to ensure it is suitable for machine learning models. This involves tasks like correcting inconsistencies in data formats, handling missing or erroneous values, and integrating data from various sources. Such extensive preprocessing is not only time-consuming but also expensive, consuming resources that could be allocated elsewhere. The repetitive nature of these tasks can significantly slow down the deployment of AI initiatives, hindering an organization's ability to innovate quickly.

Furthermore, this process typically lacks the involvement of domain experts who possess specialized knowledge about the data's context and nuances. Without their input, engineers may miss subtle yet critical factors that could influence the performance of AI models. The absence of domain expertise in data preparation can lead to models that are less accurate or fail to capture essential insights. This limitation restricts the depth and quality of the insights that AI models can generate, ultimately affecting the value and effectiveness of AI solutions within the organization.

How the Unified Namespace Enables AI Use Cases

The Unified Namespace (UNS) architecture plays a pivotal role in advancing AI applications by enabling the curation of high-quality data directly at its source. This process involves domain experts who contextualize and standardize the data, ensuring that it is accurate, relevant, and formatted correctly for AI processing. By embedding expertise into the data from the outset, UNS helps create robust datasets that are ideal for training sophisticated machine learning models, thereby improving the effectiveness of AI solutions.

Furthermore, UNS dismantles traditional data silos by providing a unified stream of information accessible across an organization. This unification ensures that all systems and stakeholders are working with the same authoritative data source, which is crucial for both training and inferencing in AI. By centralizing data streams, UNS not only enhances data quality but also accelerates the deployment of AI use cases, as models can access comprehensive and consistent information in real time.

How the Unified Namespace Enables AI Use Cases

Unified Namespace For AI Model Training

Training AI models requires large datasets that accurately reflect current operational conditions. The Unified Namespace (UNS) streamlines the creation of these datasets by providing readily available data that is both standardized and normalized. Since domain experts curate and contextualize the data at its source, there is no need for extensive data cleaning and preparation. This accelerates the training process and results in more accurate AI models finely tuned to the organization's specific needs.

The UNS streams data to be accumulated until a certain time threshold or batch size is reached. This capability enables organizations to collect sufficient data before initiating batch processing for AI training. By using this batch processing approach, data scientists can efficiently train AI models with these high-quality data batches, ensuring the models are up-to-date and reflective of the most recent operational conditions.

Furthermore, the high-quality data supplied by the UNS enhances the reliability and performance of AI models. By feeding models with data that is both relevant and properly contextualized, organizations can achieve better predictive accuracy and gain more actionable insights. This leads to improved decision-making processes and a higher return on investment in AI initiatives.

Unified Namespace For AI Inferencing

The Unified Namespace (UNS) architecture, which simplifies AI training, also provides a continuous stream of information used for AI inferencing. This enables live data to feed into AI models for immediate, real-time predictions. Such capability is particularly beneficial for applications requiring instantaneous responses, including forecasting, energy predictions, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance in manufacturing operations.

When the AI models generate predictions, these predictions are streamed back into the UNS to operationalize the insights. By integrating both the incoming data and the AI-generated predictions into the UNS, organizations ensure that all stakeholders have access to the most current information and actionable insights. This seamless flow reduces latency and enhances the responsiveness of AI applications, allowing organizations to act swiftly and decisively based on real-time data.

Benefits of High-Quality UNS Data for AI

Faster Time to Value

One of the most immediate benefits of utilizing a Unified Namespace (UNS) is the acceleration of project timelines. By eliminating the need for individual data cleaning and preparation for each use case, organizations can deploy AI models and other data-driven applications more rapidly. This increased agility allows companies to respond swiftly to market changes, seize new opportunities, and realize the benefits of their data investments sooner.

Additionally, the easy access to high-quality data promotes innovation within the organization. When teams are not burdened by the tedious task of data preparation, they are more inclined to experiment with new ideas and applications. This fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, driving long-term value creation.

Cost Savings

Eliminating the need for constant data engineering translates directly into cost savings. Resources that were previously allocated to repetitive data preparation tasks can be redirected toward more strategic initiatives. This shift not only reduces operational expenses but also enhances the overall productivity of data engineering and data science teams.

Furthermore, the Unified Namespace (UNS) minimizes the risks associated with data errors and inconsistencies, which can be costly to rectify later in the process. By ensuring data quality from the outset, organizations can avoid expenses related to fixing issues stemming from poor data quality, such as flawed analyses, misguided strategies, and compliance violations. This proactive approach saves both time and money while improving the reliability of data-driven decisions.

Better Insights

High-quality, curated data leads to more accurate predictions and actionable insights. When domain experts contextualize the data, it captures nuances and subtleties that generic datasets might overlook. This depth of understanding enhances the effectiveness of AI models and analytics tools, resulting in insights that are not only more precise but also more relevant to the organization's specific context.

These enhanced insights empower decision-makers at all levels to make well-informed choices that drive strategic objectives. Whether it's optimizing supply chain operations, enhancing customer experiences, or improving financial forecasting, the quality of the insights directly impacts the success of these initiatives.


In summary, the Unified Namespace (UNS) serves as a transformative data architecture that effectively addresses the challenges of traditional data engineering in AI applications within manufacturing. By continuously refining raw, siloed data into standardized, contextualized, and easily accessible information, the UNS accelerates both AI model training and inferencing. 

This streamlined approach not only reduces the time and costs associated with data preparation but also enhances the quality of insights by incorporating domain expertise directly into the data. As a result, organizations benefit from faster time to value, significant cost savings, and more accurate, actionable insights. Leveraging the UNS empowers companies to act swiftly and decisively in a data-driven economy, ultimately driving strategic objectives and fostering innovation.

Whether you're an engineer, IIoT Solution Architect, Digital Transformation Specialist, or decision-maker, understanding UNS is crucial for leveraging the full potential of IIoT and driving digital transformation in your organization. Download our eBook on Architecting a Unified Namespace for IIoT with MQTT or contact us to learn more.

Watch our webinar No Data, No AI: Bridging the Gap in Smart Manufacturing to explore how solid data management is crucial for AI success in manufacturing.

Kudzai Manditereza

Kudzai is a tech influencer and electronic engineer based in Germany. As a Sr. Industry Solutions Advocate at HiveMQ, he helps developers and architects adopt MQTT and HiveMQ for their IIoT projects. Kudzai runs a popular YouTube channel focused on IIoT and Smart Manufacturing technologies and he has been recognized as one of the Top 100 global influencers talking about Industry 4.0 online.

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