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HiveMQ + Splunk = Visualize MQTT Data at Scale

by Ian Skerrett
3 min read

This week we are pleased to announce our partner, SVA, has released a new HiveMQ extension for Splunk. SVA is one of Germany’s leading system integrators that specializes in data center infrastructure. SVA is helping many of their customers to implement scalable and reliable IoT systems to create new business opportunities.

SVA’s experience in IoT showed them that the visualization and analysis of IoT data can be a challenge. SVA has lots of experience using Splunk for data center analysis so they understood the capabilities of Splunk can be applied to IoT data. Lots of customers are looking to use MQTT to send IoT data but the question became how to integrate MQTT data into Splunk to handle vast amounts of MQTT data. SVA has turned to HiveMQ and our MQTT broker as the solution. HiveMQ’s extension system made it easier to create a tight integration between HiveMQ and Splunk. The integrated solution can easily meet scalability requirements of large volumes of data that is common with IoT systems.

At HiveMQ, we believe customers require integrated solutions to implement their IoT projects. This is why we partner with companies like SVA who specialize in developing and deploying integrated enterprise IoT solutions.

If you are interested in using Splunk to analyze your IoT data, watch our on-demand webinar ‘How to analyze your IoT MQTT data with Splunk and HiveMQ. Watch the video, where SVA and HiveMQ experts are giving a live demo of the HiveMQ and Splunk integration.

  • 14:44 - About SVA.
  • 22:05 - The use case: A typical Smart Factory.
  • 28:19 - Introducing: The HiveMQ-Splunk extension.
  • 46:49 - Practical example of running the extension.
  • 54:25 - Reaping what we sowed: Smart factory insights with Splunk.
  • 59:09 - Splunk demo.

Ian Skerrett

Ian is a growth-oriented marketing leader focused on B2B infrastructure, IoT, and IIoT software with over 25 years experience in the software industry. He spent 13 years with the Eclipse Foundation and was Vice President of Marketing for HiveMQ until September 2022.

  • Ian Skerrett on LinkedIn
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