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MQTT Sparkplug: A Novel Solution to Data Interoperability in Industrial Automation

Time: 58 minutes

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    Data is what our world thrives on. The data we get daily from machine data generated by factory equipment to controls data generated by SCADA systems to systems process data in MES systems – can then be combined to create a competitive advantage.

    At the heart of any successful Industrial IoT(IIoT) project lies seamless bidirectional data flow and end-to-end data interoperability. In practice, however, it is quite challenging to get the OT and the IT systems talking to each other and to the cloud and the edge. A novel solution to bringing end-to-end IIoT data interoperability and exchange is adopting the MQTT Sparkplug specification.

    Follow along with Dominik Obermaier, CTO and Co-founder of HiveMQ, as he discusses how MQTT Sparkplug can be a game-changer for your industrial automation and digital transformation efforts.

    Dominik Obermaier

    Dominik Obermaier is CTO and co-founder of HiveMQ. He is a member of the OASIS Technical Committee and is part of the standardization committee for MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5. He is the co-author of the book β€œThe Technical Foundations of IoT” and a frequent speaker on IoT, MQTT, and messaging.

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